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    1. 中文版   |   ENGLISH
      Current Location: 首页  Academics  Academic Collaboration

      Academic Collaboration

        ZJNU values educational internationalization and has established partnerships with educational institutions around the world.

        We aim to promote collaboration in potential areas with partner universities.Areas of cooperation include student/faculty exchange/degree programs, joint educational programs, joint research activities, etc.

        For more information about prospective collaboration, please contact jhs@zjnu.edu.cn; international@zjnu.edu.cn.

      Academic Collaboration

        ZJNU values educational internationalization and has established partnerships with educational institutions around the world.

        We aim to promote collaboration in potential areas with partner universities.Areas of cooperation include student/faculty exchange/degree programs, joint educational programs, joint research activities, etc.

        For more information about prospective collaboration, please contact jhs@zjnu.edu.cn; international@zjnu.edu.cn.

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      1. 天堂在线视频,bt天堂网.www在线资源下载,正在播放刚认识的半推半就,一二三四社区在线中文7

